Sunday, October 30, 2011

More catching up...

My soon to be wedded brother Jordan came down and hung out with us for a few days from Rexburg. He made us dinner, we went to the movies, Cornbelly's, he took family pictures and overall had a great time. He is always always good for a laugh, or two or three and of course the boys loved having him around. I have long wanted to hit a raspberry patch and eat and pick to my heart's content. I love love love raspberries so we finally found a little patch in Mapleton and spent a few hours there one cold almost snowy morning a few weeks ago. This Jordan's version of fruit of the loom.

We made out almost 20 pounds of juicy perfect berries. I spent the next week making freezer jam, cobbler, fresh shakes, and fruit leather.

We even got a visit from a To Kill a Mockingbird character.........anyone?

And it was pretty cool to see a bunch of reindeer too :)

About 10 minutes into the picking Kayden said "This should be a new family tradition mom. This is really cool :)" That's my boy and I agree!!!

My mom and dad were in town and they both grew up on a farm. I think the two of them picked as much as the 5 of us did! They know just where to look and how to pick raspberries! I love this pic of my daddy :)

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