Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A few weekends ago.....

We had a marathon of a weekend! My sister in law and brother came in town from Az for 3 days and we had a lot to accomplish....all the girls headed to the The Chocolate to celebrate my other brother getting engaged. We had way too much sugar and had a blast sharing family secrets and stilly stories about the man she was now responsible for :)

Can't get this pic to turn but love it!! My nephew Jonah loves his food :) We also had to celebrate my bro Josh's bday so we had tons of pizza and yummy cake and ice cream (Yes just before we went to the chocolate :)

We don't get to see Josh and Jen very often since they are in Az. We loved having them!!

Jordan and his soon to be bride Haylie.
Papa with a few of the grandkids...
Jed and Chris playing cards. Pretty sure Chris ended up a little bloody afterwards :(
Nana making a cool gingerbread haunted house with the kids :)
And that was just the beginning of the weekend........more to come!

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