Monday, January 2, 2012

Clark Planetarium

We made a family goal over the summer to memorize all of the Articles of Faith. We printed them each out really big and put them on the boys wall in their room, then each night before family prayer we'd recite it a few times. And before school started we did it! All 13 and I was so proud of the boys. Even Brooks could get a few words in on each one, more than I thought he would. We decided when we were finished we'd go to the Planetarium downtown. We'd never been so we thought it would be a good incentive to help us :) A few weeks before Christmas I got an email with a Groupon deal that was $49 for a family of 5 for an annual membership. I checked prices and figured it would cost us almost that much to just go once, so we bought the membership and wrapped it up for Christmas. I think we definitely hit it every few months as it was 'totally awesome' as Trace said after our first movie.

We hung out in the cool store for almost an hour just experimenting and playing with all the cool science toys and books.

The kids got to be real astronauts and walk on the moon!

We decided to make an afternoon out of it and we hopped on Trax. The boys (expecially Brooks) were very, very excited to ride a train and pretty curious as to all the 'different' people they saw downtown.

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