Tuesday, July 31, 2012

All we needed was crickets........

 So we've had a pet lizard for about 9 months now. My mom and dad live in Albuquerque and have a beautiful oasis for a backyard. They catch lizards almost daily so now it's become part of the routine to catch them and bring them here:) We started with one little lizard in a little tiny cage. He lasted about 6 months, 5 months longer than anyone anticipated. When we went down in June the boys caught 7 or 8 of them so they picked their favorite 2 and we brought them home, in the little tiny cage. A few weeks ago I asked Chris to stop by Petsmart on his way home and pick up a few dozen crickets (they will only eat living things :)
 About an hour longer than he should of been gone he came home with this, huge aquarium like cage, and a heating pad, and a climbing wall, and a wooden climb thingy.
 Of course the boys were in heaven and now the lizards are more noisy and loud than ever. All in all, I'm totally happy with pets in cages because I'm afraid one day that won't be enough :)

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