Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Sunday

We have 9am church. Which should be enough said..

That leaves me a LONG time to 'entertain' the troops and keep everyone happy and getting along. So I decided to take turns having the older boys help me make dinner. This will occupy one of them for at least an hour, give me some one on one time with them, plus some good visits and chat time. So far they love it. I ask them about mid week what they would like to make so they are totally on board with the assignment once Sunday comes along. Kayden chose chicken enchiladas for his first time. They were delicious!!

Trace chose homemade bread sticks and...........

Spaghetti and meatballs. He is definitely a texture phobic so getting in the raw hamburger meat with eggs was pretty much his limit. But he did great!

Hopefully by the time they leave the nest they will have a few good recipes down :)

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